A Southern University Law Center (SULC) representative will utilize an Idea Café to discuss how a pipeline was created between SULC and GlobalMindED to develop leadership skills, access and equity among minority law students. The Idea Café will be used to share stories and insights about SULC’s collaborative experiences and gain insights from other attendees. Participants will be encouraged to take home ideas and suggestions, as well as leave ideas and suggestions for other institutions.
When you are cutting Fresh Tracks versus following the trail of others, you see a huge improvement in the results you achieve. In this space beyond the boundaries of comfort you discover that you can live your divine purpose, create with intention, and live in flow rather than forcing outcomes. Your life is more fulfilled because you have the confidence that comes from trusting yourself and listening to your intuition. You have the consciousness to take your right next step.
Come discuss about equipping vulnerable students with the skills to move from poverty to success using nontraditional approaches to education. How two non profit organizations use vocational and business skills training in the most vulnerable communities in Pakistan to provide youth with the ability to create lifelong financial independence, build gender equity and empower the next generation.
In this jam-packed session, you will learn time-tested research-based strategies and techniques designed to: Improve student focus, drastically reduce problem behavior, and increase instruction time. These strategies will directly correlate with relating to the challenges teachers face in the age of technology. We will discuss strategies to implement personal electronic devises into learning.
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation believes that all people can connect through kindness, which can create a foundation for success in schools and in society. This session will introduce a FREE K-5 evidenced based social emotional learning curriculum rooted in kindness and linked to improving academic achievement and school climate. The Kindness in the Classroom curriculum has six kindness concepts mapped to the five-core social emotional competencies. Participants in this session will also learn about other kindness resources including our online training manuals specifically designed to help teachers build resilience through activities focused on gratitude and kindness.
Participants will be exposed to the top ten barriers that first-generation college students face when they decide to be a STEM major. There will be scenarios where participants will be able to analyze the problem and then provide a solution where how they could support the student or how the student could have addressed the situation better. Scenarios will include office hours, doing research with a professor, campus climate and internships.
Stop by to learn more about my story of being a survivor of child abuse molestation. Being sexually abused between the ages of 5-14 by three family members. Bring awareness to others about this topic. Discuss the negative impact it had on my life as a survivor of domestic violence, suicide, homelessness and drug and alcohol addictions. Encouraging others to find their voice and speak up about abuse. Talk about how I overcame and the life I live now. What they can do to help end child abuse.
When people say “the foster care system is broken,” are they perpetuating scarcity mentality? As a foster mom, Hope Forti, Founder of 501c3 Foster Together, thinks so. With an innovative program to find people who want to get involved, but feel paralyzed to do so, Hope allows volunteers to share the weight of foster care, allowing more personalized attention to fill the gaps of the “broken system.”
Difficult, Unpredictable, and Quite Possibly Futile: Overcoming the Challenges of Leading a Large CommitteeFinancial freedom is a birthright for all human beings, but for many, it is entirely unattainable. For those of us with the means, it is an endeavor that takes practice, patience, and perseverance. Holistic Finances brings this birthright into focus. By defining a road map, we aim to take better care of ourselves financially and with the intention of creating a future where financial education, independence, and freedom is achievable for all.
It is a widely held view that travel can transform lives. It can help inspire change, broaden perspectives and empower individuals. For many at-risk youth in the Caribbean they will never experience this transformative power. This initiative aims to expose at-risk youth to travel opportunities in the hopes that these new experiences will cultivate a different way of thinking and behavior in all participants.
Interact with representatives of Co-Lead International (CLI). This non-profit organization develops policy and programming to support, promote, and train for a globally competent form of personal empowerment, organizational leadership, and action to meet accelerating global changes with a regenerative, empathic, humanity. Conversations can revolve around the Global Paradigm Shift, often called the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Table visitors can also discuss the CLI Leadership Model, which is anchored in concepts reflected in many “co-“ terms, such as compassion, cooperation, collaboration, consensus-building, and commitment.
Develop differentiated professional development for schools or individual instructional coaching for teachers.
A discussion on the importance of identifying IP and detecting its sources as to understand and explain postsecondary education completion barrier for FGCS. Data collection and analysis will lead to discovering possible relationships between various FGCS demographic characteristics and the severity of IP assessed by the Clance IP Scale.
Guardian Scholars is a comprehensive student empowerment model which identifies ambitious, capable high school students who are challenged to afford a college education. Guardian Scholars offers significant financial leverage, maximizing institutional and philanthropic resources to enable student Scholars to earn an undergraduate college degree, debt-free. At the same time, the program provides critical educational, interpersonal and professional development skills throughout the college experience. This session will overview the Guardian Scholars model, outlining a roadmap for first generation scholarship and program design. With a graduation rate over 85%, Guardian Scholars is “More than a Scholarship, We’re a Family Making Dreams Come True.”
This session will review a current grant funded program developed with the specific focus of increasing academic and professional knowledge and opportunities for underserved / underrepresented students interested in health professions career paths; in addition, this session seeks input from participants on how to improve the pipeline strategy and long-term success rates for students pursuing these career interests. The program brings high school students to college campus, and provides a week of immersive experiences (hospital visits, health equity engagement, dinner with health professionals, academic strategies, etc) to help students develop more informed understandings of the academic and professional requirements of various health professions career paths.
How to revolutionize how people manage their health and wellness care all over the globe. Alternative healthcare systems through global care solutions. How you the patient can make better decisions allowing you to save time, cost and the complexity of navigating through an already complex healthcare system.
During this session, I offer my congratulations and condolences to those of you who have been selected to lead a large group of individuals with the charge of facilitating organization-wide change. A challenging and often daunting process, I will walk you through my steps of organizing the thoughts, actions, and outcomes of the Retention and Student Success Work Team at West Virginia State University in a meaningful and productive way.
The First2 Network (First2) is a grassroots alliance initiated in 2016 with passionate individuals from five diverse organizations who shared a goal to improve the college enrollment rate and success of undergraduate STEM students in West Virginia, with emphasis on rural first-generation students through their first 2 years of college. At the core of our shared vision to improve student STEM success is the assumption that the students themselves should be co-creators of the solutions.
The global skills gap is the disparity between the knowledge that companies want from job applicants and what those job applicants actually know. Students tend to over-value the importance of creativity and leadership skills and under-value the importance of flexibility/adaptability and teamwork, which employers regard with high importance. College Code will facilitate an Idea Cafe that incorporates examples of how organizations can best incorporate workforce readiness into student programming to play an active role in closing the skills gap.
We will discuss how he has been able to utilize a holistic, prescriptive tutoring process to achieve a 95% success rate of students earning As and Bs in over 48 content areas in his company, INC Tutoring, for students of color. In addition, he will discuss building solid relationships with students that closes the belief and achievement gaps considerably. Ideas and ways to close to opportunity gap will also be addressed here. The latest TEDx talk that he has done discusses these pathways and how we need to shift the mindset in education to ensure success. Bring your open mind and ideas for solutions!
An 18-year veteran of education in China, fluent in Chinese, an English teacher, manager of a top MBA program in China, founder a B2B training company in China, and writer of 30 course books reviews the China Challenge in Education. Students today should view China as a place to visit and potentially work. They may learn the language. School administrators should view China as a long term, high impact country from which will come students with diverse language challenges, tourists with money but unique requirements, investment with a different perspective, and disruption of our industries here in the USA.
Students come to school with different background, behavior, culture, ethnicity, languages, and values. Their attitudes and behaviors were molded from home by the family members. Research has shown that, when cultural differences are ignored in classrooms, diverse students feel a heightened sense of alienation (Greene &Abt-Perkins, 2003; Igoa, 1995; Schmidt,1998, 2002). The common problem in the United States public education is that teachers are not aware that the culture, discipline, insights, learning environment, teaching methods and strategies, and curriculum are incompatible with the learning needs of students from different backgrounds. Students in every country are increasingly ethnically and racially diverse. Furthermore, teachers in Colorado need more help meeting the needs of and being culturally responsive to their students, many of whom now have roots in places like Asia, Mexico and South America. This paper is a literature review of cultural awareness and culturally responsive teaching. Given the diversity of today’s public-school classroom, it is hoped that this will inform the teachers how to be culturally proficient and apply cultural responsive teaching.
In traditional China putting ink to paper spoke volumes about the individual scholar who wielded the brush. The way of becoming an exemplary person, or sage, was through the self-cultivation practices of the Three Perfections of Poetry, Painting and Calligraphy. Examples of the scholar’s Four Treasures will be on display along with paintings of the four examples of exemplary gentle(wo)men. Not portraits per se but four unique examples of their “heart prints.”
Education isn’t just important; it is vital to the American Dream. So much so, that the founders wrote at length about the importance of education populace and its necessity for democracy and the survival of our Republic. The educational plight of America’s inner cities has been well documented, but rural America is also facing a crisis in education. Innovation in education models and technologies is the way to success for all of America’s mosaic.
Over the last 50 years Jordan has integrated millions of refugees from neighboring Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Yemen and Lebanon. However the monarchy has remained stable with tremendous support form citizens. I endeavor to look at how Jordan can provide a model for refugee resettlement as the globe faces a future of displaced climate refugees.