Only 11% of First Gen students graduate from college. Even fewer go on to promotion pathway jobs. Gallup data reports that 43% of college graduates are not in jobs commensurate with their education. Students from all economic backgrounds are struggling to get good jobs out of college while managing the highest debt load in history, often while living in cities where young people can barely afford rent. This hampers employers’ ability to find and keep the work-ready diverse graduates they need.
Provide First Gen students in post-secondary programs at community colleges and four-year colleges with three key programs before and during freshman year designed to help students stay in college, secure strong internships, complete degree coursework, and get offered the best jobs in their preferred industry upon graduation. These programs will be deployed within the structure of the GlobalMindED Collaboratives on individual campuses. The programming for each Collaborative consists of in-person training and the following publications:
Our KEYS TO SUCCESS series (with a version for community college and a version for four-year colleges) blends academic skills with professional skills, building the most sought-after work skills from day one. The KEYS TO SUCCESS series is co-authored by a business executive and an educator specializing in mindset and social-emotional learning. The series has been read by 3,000,000 college freshmen and earned $65 million for Pearson. The founder of GlobalMindED now has the rights to this content.
Keys to Business Communication teaches the business, communication and entrepreneurial skills that employers require and promotes success in internships, part-time jobs, entry level jobs, and beyond. The future of work belongs to those who can add value in any challenging, complex work environment with the initiative to self-direct and contribute at scale.