Monday, April 20, 2020
8:00 PST, 9:00 MST, 10:00 CST, 11:00 EST
Mobilizing a Climate Restoration Movement
Moderator: Rick Parnell, CEO Foundation for Climate Restoration
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
8:00 PST, 9:00 MST, 10:00 CST, 11:00 EST
Global Leadership for Sustainable Planet
Moderator: Kevin Cassidy, Director, International Labour Organization-U.S.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
8:00 PST, 9:00 MST, 10:00 CST, 11:00 EST
Governments, Diplomacy, and Grassroots Activism
Thursday, April 23, 2020
8:00 PST, 9:00 MST, 10:00 CST, 11:00 EST
Financing Global Solutions and Regenerative Culture
Moderators: Steve Schueth, The Alliance Center
Friday, April 24, 2020
8:00 PST, 9:00 MST, 10:00 CST, 11:00 EST
Youth Voices and Next Steps for Climate Restoration
Moderator: Deborah Kelly, Partner, Manatt